Thursday, 23 August 2012

and nearly 30

Ok, so I have a few more years til I am 30, but it is creaping closer. The other week at work we were all sent around emails telling us to think about some questions we wanted to ask in our yearly performance reviews. As well as that we were asked about where we saw ourselves in 2 years and 5 years time. When I was discussing this with a few of the other girls it occured to me that within 5 years I will be turning 30. That night I sat down, got out a pen and some paper and started jotting down 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. I had seen this idea a few times before in other blogs and decided I wanted to be apart of it.

The first few items came to me very quickly. Then I started to slow down as I ran out of ideas. I have already been skydiving, I have my motorbike licence and I have already done a fair bit. So I started seaching the web for ideas.

Finally my list came together.

  1. Hang-gliding
  2. Learn French
  3. Travel to Japan
  4. Become a designer
  5. Read Pride and Prejudice
  6. Go hot air ballooning
  7. Drive a convertible car
  8. Climb Bluff Knoll
  9. Do 101 consecutive push-ups
  10. Take a pottery class
  11. Paint a painting to hang
  12. Swim with Whale sharks
  13. Volunteer planting trees
  14. Hold a homemade high tea
  15. Complete a 365 project (1 picture a day, for a year)
  16. Go skiing/snowboarding
  17. See an Opera
  18. Sew a dress
  19. Learn to Scuba dive
  20. Take dancing lessons
  21. Visit Europe
  22. Buy something antique and expensive
  23. Create a scrapbook of my 20’s
  24. Ride in a helicopter
  25. Have a stock portfolio
  26. Make a patchwork quilt/crochet a blanket
  27. Buy a really nice car
  28. Cycle 100km in a day
  29. Run 5km non-stop
  30. Raise $1000 for a charity

I realise that I may not achieve everything. Especially the 101 push-ups but it is something to aim for. To help me out I recruited a few of my best freinds, who are turning 30 within a few months of me, as a support group. They wrote theirs list and we all shared them. We all want to go hot air ballooning and some of our other items also match.

I tried to put a wide variety in my list. Otherwise I could become poor, or bored or both. I've already started doing push-ups every other day. I am increasing the cycling distance I ride and I am starting to plan a holiday to Japan for early 2014. I also have started saving for a new car.

Is anyone else have a 30 before 30 list? Or a bucket list? Any tips to help me succeed?

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