Sunday, 7 July 2013

and at the half is 182

Days 169-182

Well I have finally hit the half way point of this photo a day challenge. The mind point is between 182 and 183, so from here on in it is down hill. We are well and truly into winter now. There hasn't been too many rainy days and there hasn't been any real storms yet, but the temperature is quite low and my fingers are freezing as I type this. I think I may need to find some gloves to help me out.

Day 169:

Today we went on a site visit to see two houses with high star energy ratings. 
One of the houses is owned by a TV presenter. 

Day 170:

The car window was covered in frost. I had a few early start and
it was a struggle to get out of bed. 

Day 171:

Sunset, moon and a plane. This is the view from my backyard.
 It was in and out of the house on a very busy day.

Day 172:

I spent the cold evening walking around the city buying 
last minute presents. I love sale time.

Day 173:

A teapot full of cocktail for my friends 30th.

Day 174:

We watched 'The Great Gatsby' at the Cygnet theatre (a gorgeous art deco building)
 before walking around a little and then home to warm up.

Day 175:

My first attempt at ice cream using my new ice cream maker. On the menu; home 
style vanilla ice cream with caramel and chocolate chips.

Day 176:

Some times I don't want to go to bed. The idea of washing my face, 
brushing my teeth and everything else seems too daunting. 
So I stayed up a little longer taking photos of Dallas.

Day 177:

My second attempt at ice cream making. This time cinnamon for a work function.

Day 178:

Another day, another recipe. This time I tried out Gajar Ka Halwa 
(Indian-style Spiced carrot bars).

Day 179:

The end result. My carrot bars and cinnamon ice cream
 served with coconut balls made by a work mate. It was
 all for a Indian feast held by the social club.

Day 180:

We had a lovely day shopping. We went to get a chest of drawers and
came back with an hour glass, some cushions, bathroom
accessories and a chest of drawers.

Day 181:

It was a lazy Sunday so I made chai pancakes with vanilla sauce,
 topped with left over cinnamon ice cream for brunch then I put 
on the slow cooker and we had pulled beef with 
barbecue sauce and apple coleslaw for dinner.

Day 182:

I came home to find these adorable books waiting for me. 
They were a present from my plus one, just because he 
thought I'd like them. He was right.

From the next set of photos on I will be on the homeward stretch. I am undecided if I will miss having to take photos all of the time. I may not take one a day but maybe I will be more conscience about taking my camera with me more so I don't miss out on all of the moments I never think of capturing but wish I did.

Until next time.
Love, love Elle.

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